(1) Procrastination: (a) not studying until the very last minute; (b) cleaning when it's time to study; (c) taking a "break" from studying to watch anime/read manga/play games that lasts all day; (d) staying up late while taking a break and planning to get up early to finish, but sleeping late anyway.
(2) General otaku characteristics: (a) (i) manga, (ii) anime, and (iii) games; (b) collecting related merchandise (like TCGs, but not playing them)
(3) Being late to or skipping class b/c of (2)(a)
(4) Being the most otaku-ish person I know

(5) Anime/Manga convention attendance (although I've only been to Anime Expo)
So, since I can relate at least to Konata so well, I like the anime so far.
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