- watched a shitload of anime
- Black Lagoon (pretty damn good)
- Boys Be (lame, but tolerable)
- Code Geass (this anime is the 5H122L3)
- ef - a tale of memories (~5 eps. so far, and ok)
- Ergo Proxy (very damn good)
- Gedo Senki (good, but not as good as it should be coming from Ghibli)
- Great Teacher Onizuka (aka GTO - pretty funny, but annoying at the same time)
- Hanbun no Tsuki ga Noboru Sora : looking up at the half-moon (i really liked this)
- Hana Yori Dango (aka Boys Over Flowers - i thought it was good for a while, but the animation blows and the story gets incredibly annoying so i haven't finished the series - at about ep. 34
- Mahou Tsukai ni Taisetsu na Koto: Someday's Dreamers (this was ok)
- Murder Princess (pretty good, especially considering that it doesn't seem to be very popular)
- RahXephon (this was quite good; the storyline was much deeper than i expected, but it's unnecessarily convoluted at times)
- Yume de Aetara (the series totally blows, but the OVA is much better)
- Zombie Loan (what was that, Jonathan Davis? Oh, "FUCK ALL THAT BULLSHIT!!")
- read some manga
- keeping up w/ Berserk, but Miura's incredibly slow - not that i'm really complaining
- also keeping up w/ Naruto, but only b/c i get bored in class on Mondays
- Welcome to the NHK! (i'm going to have to post separately about this - it's the first time i've ever thought that the anime was better than the manga)
- worked on a paper for school (but only a little - it's due Friday, so it's crunch time)
- avoided doing my homework
- decided to spend a month studying law in Tokyo this summer
- had 14 interviews w/ law firms and got 1 offer for a summer job
- i was starting to feel like Godai (Maison Ikkoku) there for a while - it took like 6 wks after the interview to get an offer
But wait, I know you're dying to ask "wtf's changed so that you've suddenly decided to grace the internet w/ more of your pointless babbling?" Well, it's b/c I have that damn paper due in 5 days and finals start in 3 wks. Instead of doing what I should be doing, I'm avoiding it. Procrastination is what I'm best at, after all. (i wonder if those losers interviewing me could tell...)
I haven't been keeping up w/ Bleach (anime) since the fillers. It was just too disappointing.
I also finished Tales of the Abyss - that game is FUKC1N6BA|)@$$ (maybe not, but it's pretty damn good).
So, i'll prolly post moar sooner rather than later yo.
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