
darker than black #5

Darker than Black continues to impress. There are some pretty gruesome parts in this ep., like when November 11 frostbites that one guy's head. The only way it could've been better would be if he'd blown the frozen head off w/ a shotgun (ala Doom 3). Aside from that, there's not much fighting; this ep.'s focus is mainly on plot development. I am curious to learn more about Hei's little sister, Bai, and his role as the "black shinigami." I didn't realize until just now that the kanji for "Hei" is the kanji for "black" (黒 - it's one of the few that I know).

btw, has anyone else noticed a similarity b/t Darker than Black and the James Bond movies? Watch the intros. I can't help but notice how it seems the female silhouettes in DTB were just like they were pulled out of a Bond intro. (If I had a better Bond DVD for comparison, I would've used it, but my collection is lacking in 007.) This goes w/o mentioning the MI6 agents in this ep.


Maybe, since Hei kidnapped Havoc, he'll go all Sayid on her to get info about Bai (although I doubt that's necessary, or would even be productive since Havoc apparently did not contest being crammed in a suitcase). Hopefully we'll get to learn more about Heaven's Gate through their encounter.

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